The average Australian eats out 4 times per week at one of the nation’s 17,000 takeaway food restaurants. We are spending an approx 40% of our annual food budget on eating out, compared with just 12% in 1960. In a bid to address the obesity epidemic and to avoid negative publicity, many of the larger Fast.. read more →

  As a Sports Dietitian I see many frustrated men and women who embark on a new exercise regime and despite training regularly keep gaining weight. This can be very disheartening especially if you are training for triathlon or have taken up distance running. I know from experience that when I was training for 70.3.. read more →

Last weekend I was in the kitchen working on developing a tasty, 100 calorie healthy snack muffin. It was not as easy as it sounds. It really bought to my attention the rapid increase in portion size of food over the past 10-15 years. The muffins I made would have been considered normal sized 10.. read more →

Before you put that next tablespoon of Chia / Hemp seeds, goji berries, LSA, macca powder, cocao nibs or coconut onto your breakfast cereal or into your protein smoothie think about if you really need the extra calories these superfoods may be adding to your daily energy intake intake. Many of the current on trend.. read more →