Move over Quinoa, there is a new super grain on the shelf and it is quickly becoming one of the hottest food products to hit the health food market.

Freekeh has been used for centuries in the Middle East and is the result of young grains (usually wheat) being roasted and rubbed to expose the center of the grain. The end result is a grain that has a smokey, nutty flavor with a chewy texture.

From a nutrition perspective Freekeh wins hands down for fibre content over Brown Rice and Quinoa which will leave you feeling full for longer and is also higher in protein than brown rice. Unlike Rice and Quinoa, Freekeh is a wheat product and contains gluten so is not suitable if you are coeliac or gluten intolerant.

Use Freekeh as a substitute for rice, quinoa or couscous in salads, soups, Stir-fry’s etc. I love it cold thrown into a salad of cold roast vegetables and rocket.

Give it a try and let me know what you think.


About the Author
Kelley Bright

Kelley Bright is a highly credentialed health and fitness expert who holds a Masters degree in Nutrition/Dietetics, Bachelors degree in Exercise Science and a Diploma of Naturopathy.

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