I love Jamie Oliver. I love him even more now that he is promoting everyday superfoods in his latest TV series. Superfoods are natural foods that you can buy from the supermarket or your local fruit and veg. They have names that you can pronounce, are grown locally and you don’t have to mortgage the house to afford. Here are 5 super foods I keep in my kitchen to super charge our day.

Eggs: Nutritious, versatile, economical, and a great way to fill up on high quality protein. Eggs contain 12 vitamins and minerals, including choline, which is good for brain development and memory. I have eggs for breakfast every second day, poached or scrambled with loads of vegetables. If you’re in a hurry in the mornings make a batch of mini frittatas and freeze them for a breakfast or snack on the run.

Nuts and seeds High in protein, heart-healthy fats and high fiber. The key to enjoying nuts is portion control, due to their high fat content. Nut and seeds add texture and flavor to salads or as a portioned 100/150 cal snack. I keep packs of nuts in the car glove box for starving afterschool children who cant wait to get home to eat.

Legumes, beans, good for your heart — really! Beans are loaded with insoluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol, as well as soluble fiber, which fill you up and helps keep your digestive system singing. They’re also a good, low-fat, source of protein, carbohydrates, magnesium, and potassium. Try Edamame beans as an afternoon snack, 5 bean mix in your lunchtime salad or hummus as an alternative spread or dip.

Broccoli is one of Australia’s favorite vegetables because it tastes good and is available all year long. It’s a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C and has plenty of fiber to fill you up and help control your weight. Broccoli belongs to the cruciferous family and contains compounds that are linked to improving the bodies’ ability to fight cancer. Blanch them and serve cold through a salad or cooked into a stir-fry.

Berries All berries, not just Goji or Acai contain an incredible amount of nutritional goodness in a small package. They’re loaded with antioxidants, phytonutrients, low in calories, and rich in fiber to help control blood sugar and keep you feeling full for longer. Their sweetness satisfies 3pm sugar cravings for a fraction of the calories. Try my Coconut Berry Smoothie recipe for a sweet, satisfying 3pm snack.


About the Author
Kelley Bright

Kelley Bright is a highly credentialed health and fitness expert who holds a Masters degree in Nutrition/Dietetics, Bachelors degree in Exercise Science and a Diploma of Naturopathy.

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