3.37pm is the time of day when may of us undo a great eating plan and reach for the chocolate or biscuits for a sugar hit. If this is you try my Coconut Berry Smoothie. It will  keep you feeling full all afternoon and give you a little sugar hit to boost your blood sugars.. read more →

I love Jamie Oliver. I love him even more now that he is promoting everyday superfoods in his latest TV series. Superfoods are natural foods that you can buy from the supermarket or your local fruit and veg. They have names that you can pronounce, are grown locally and you don’t have to mortgage the.. read more →

Move over Quinoa, there is a new super grain on the shelf and it is quickly becoming one of the hottest food products to hit the health food market. Freekeh has been used for centuries in the Middle East and is the result of young grains (usually wheat) being roasted and rubbed to expose the.. read more →

I was in the dairy aisle of the supermarket the other day and was blown away by how many different varieties of yoghurts there are. I’m not even sure if you can call half of the products yoghurt, more like a dairy dessert. Here is a quick run down on the most common yoghurt varieties.. read more →

Ok, so that’s not true but when was the last time you went to buy a bag of sugar and was confronted with a range of ‘Natural” sugar alternatives with names that sound like they came straight from a Russian power plant. These natural sweeteners have been promoted as the healthier alternative to evil sugar.. read more →

If you Google coconut oil you’ll find extensive health claims including weight loss, cancer prevention, dissolving kidney stones to curing Alzheimer’s disease but did you know that…….. Falling coconuts kill 150 people every year – 10 times the number of people killed by sharks. But from a weight loss perspective, coconut oil is being promoted.. read more →

Before you put that next tablespoon of Chia / Hemp seeds, goji berries, LSA, macca powder, cocao nibs or coconut onto your breakfast cereal or into your protein smoothie think about if you really need the extra calories these superfoods may be adding to your daily energy intake intake. Many of the current on trend.. read more →