Before you put that next tablespoon of Chia / Hemp seeds, goji berries, LSA, macca powder, cocao nibs or coconut onto your breakfast cereal or into your protein smoothie think about if you really need the extra calories these superfoods may be adding to your daily energy intake intake.

Many of the current on trend superfoods that we are supplementing our diets with are high in fats and sugars making them a poor choice if you are wanting to lose weight or even maintain your weight. I’m not saying that these foods are not healthy but so are many other natural foods that are not as energy dense.

For example an acai bowl with added granola, banana, honey etc can have as much as 600 calories per serve which if you are on a 1200cal plan is 50% of your daily calorie intake. Yes, acai is packed with antioxidants but so are all berries.

Next time you line up for 45 min for your supersized freshly squeezed fruit juice from your favourite juice bar remember that a medium sized 450ml fresh juice can have between 300 – 350cal and up to 60g (12 teaspoons) of sugar. A piece of fruit with a glass of water would be a much better option for your blood sugars and your waist line.

These foods are nutritionally good for you however they are also calorie rich so read the information label on the package and be aware of how may extra calories you may be adding to your food.

About the Author
Kelley Bright

Kelley Bright is a highly credentialed health and fitness expert who holds a Masters degree in Nutrition/Dietetics, Bachelors degree in Exercise Science and a Diploma of Naturopathy.

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