Australians spend approx. 280 million dollars a year on weight loss products and it looks like a growing portion of this is being spent on a new fat burning supplement called Garcinia Cambogia.

So what is this fruit and is it the miracle cure for weight loss.

Garcinia Cambogia is a fruit that’s been eaten for centuries in India and Asia especially as an addition to curries. Within the natural fruit rind, there is an ingredient called hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which is being touted as a miracle weight loss cure.

The most recent round of claims regarding Garcinia Cambogia is that it reduces weight by activating the enzyme that is involved in fat synthesis and possible appetite suppression. This is not a new claim as the active ingredient (HCA) has been around in weight loss supplements for years.

If you remember a product called “Hydroxycut” the active ingredient in this body building fat striping supplement was Hydroxyl citric acid (HCA). In 2009 the manufacturers pulled the ingredient out of the product due to concerns over liver problems, seizures and muscle damage.

In regards to real research and trials there have been approx. 8-10 trials conducted over the last 30 years with the most positive study claiming a 1-2 kg greater weight loss than a placebo over a 12-week period. And no effect on appetite suppressant effects. That is not a “miracle” by any stretch of the imagination.

So I’m afraid it’s back to old-fashioned portion control, regular exercise and common sense eating.

About the Author
Kelley Bright

Kelley Bright is a highly credentialed health and fitness expert who holds a Masters degree in Nutrition/Dietetics, Bachelors degree in Exercise Science and a Diploma of Naturopathy.

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